
Types of Nurses

Nurses are healthcare experts who specialize in providing fundamental medical care to patients with different conditions. These medical experts also guide the family of patients about different treatments, assist doctors and other medical staff, operate medical equipment and do a number of other tasks. The job description of nurses varies by the degree level as well as the area in which students opt to specialize in.

Types of Nursing Degrees
A number of degree programs are available for students who want to become a nurse. Those who seek entry level jobs in nursing can enroll in associate’s degree in nursing that take 2 years to complete. Students who want to specialize in a particular field within nursing should enroll in bachelors or masters program with a focus in pediatrics, forensics or others areas of interest. Bachelors programs can be completed in 4 years while master’s degrees in nursing span over 1-2 years. Other than regular institutes, online schools also offer nursing programs, allowing students to study from the comfort of their home. The online nursing degrees can be a suitable option for busy professionals seeking advanced opportunities in nursing alongside their existing job tenure.
There are various types of nursing certificate programs as well that help students focus on a particular area within nursing such as geriatric nursing, neonatal nursing and more.
Types of Nurses
There are various types of nursing careers you can pursue depending on your own choice. You can become a neonatal nurse, pediatrics nurse, ER nurse, forensic nurse or geriatric nurse.
Neonatal Nurse
Neonatal nurses are those healthcare experts who offer healthcare services to newborns and premature babies. They are primary caregivers for babies who need special care.
Emergency Room Nurse
Emergency room nurses specialize in providing emergency care to patients in critical condition. They provide first assessments and treatments to patients. As they have to act promptly and deal witth critical situations, these nurses need special training.
Forensic Nurses
Forensic nurses are dedicated to look after trauma victims. They examine patients and find out if their wounds resulted because of neglect or abuse. These nurses explain their findings to judges and assist agencies in building cases against suspected criminals.
Geriatric Nurses
Geriatric nurses have the expertise in looking after the wellbeing of the elderly patients. These nurses work in nursing homes, hospitals and address elderly nursing problems.
Pediatric Nurse
Pediatric nurses provide healthcare services to infants and children. They conduct diagnoses, treat ailments and injuries as well.
Career Prospects of Nurses
Nurses with advanced degree and specializations can find the most lucrative opportunities. According to statistics, jobs for registered nurses are expected to grow by 22% between 2008 to 2018. These healthcare experts can find rewarding jobs in clinics, hospitals, nursing homes and a number of other settings and earn about $59,000 and $100,000 on an annual basis. Geriatric nurses can earn about $ 70,000 while pediatric nurses can make $ 65,000 per year. Forensic nurses and neonatal nurses can also enjoy competitive salary and benefit from a variety of career benefits such as bonuses, life insurance and other sources.

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