
Nursing Schools in Washington

The state of Washington is home to a number of renowned nursing schools and colleges offering accredited nursing degree programs. Nursing is a rewarding career and one that is in high demand in the US. Some of the nursing degrees offered by nursing schools in Washington include:


  • Advanced Practice Nursing (APN)
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
  • Master of Science in Nursing ( MSN)
  • LPN to RN Bridge Programs.
  • CNA Certification ( CAN) program
  •  Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) program
  •  Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) program
  •  Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) program
  •  Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) program
  •  Registered Nurse (RN) program
  •  Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) program
  •  Nurse Practitioner program


Types of nursing degree programs:

The field of nursing is quite diverse and an ideal choice for those wishing to pursue careers as professional nurses in the thriving medical industry. The four main branches of nursing include adult, children (pediatric), learning disability and mental health. Generally, students take basic courses in all four fields before deciding on a specialization. Some universities may even ask students to decide on a specific branch before starting the program. The entry level nursing programs offered by online as well as traditional institutes include associate’s degrees, LPN to RN certifications as well as diplomas. Certificate programs may last from six to eight months while students usually complete associate degree programs in two years. Many nursing schools in Washington offer these degree programs among others.

To be eligible to enter into an entry level nursing program or in a bachelor’s degree program, students need to have a high school diploma or a GED certificate. The specific admission requirements may vary from school to school and from program to program.


Online Nursing Schools in Washington:

There are a number of accredited online nursing schools in Washington that offer a variety of nursing degrees online. Students gain a number of benefits by enrolling in these online programs. Not only are these programs cheaper than traditional on-campus programs, these programs also prove very convenient for students. They can study whenever they like and wherever they want. They don’t have to commute to a campus everyday and they can study according to their own schedule without disrupting their normal work routines. Many online nursing schools in Washington require their students to gain hands on clinical experience as part of their nursing training program. These schools also assist their students with finding a medical facility near their place of residence so that students don’t face commuting problems. It is advisable that students thoroughly research their chosen online schools of nursing in Washington and make sure that they are properly accredited and that the degrees they offer are readily acceptable in the medical job market.

Many online nursing schools in Washington offer scholarships, grants and funds for students pursuing online nursing degrees. To get more information on specific funding requirements, it is advisable to get in touch with the university’s financial aid office.

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