
Nursing Schools in Georgia

If you want to pursue an exciting and rewarding career, enrolling in nursing schools in Georgia can turn your dream into a reality. These schools offer a wide array of programs in nursing, helping you enter the thriving healthcare sector. The type of nursing program you should enroll in depends on your career goals. Other than regular programs, these institutions also offer accelerated nursing programs that can be best suited for those of you who want to become a nurse in a short period of time.

Schools That Offering Nursing Programs in Georgia

Georgia nursing schools offer diplomas as well as degrees in nursing. Associate, bachelors as well as masters programs are available. An associate’s degree can be completed in 2 years while bachelor’s program spans over 4 years and master’s degree in nursing can be earned in 2-3 years. Students who would like to find the most rewarding jobs in this field should enroll in advanced degrees such as masters in nursing. RNs can also specialize in a particular area within nursing like pediatrics, surgery, ambulatory care and more. LPN, RN-to-BSN as well as RN-to-MSN degrees are also available. Students also need to take the National Council Licensure Examination as it is imperative to get licensing to qualify

Students cover a number of courses in nursing programs. Other than classroom lessons, they also obtain clinical experience. Some of the common courses in nursing schools in Georgia include critical care, health assessment, public health and community health and women's health.
Job Opportunities
As there are thousands of new job openings for nurses across the country, getting into nursing schools in Georgia can be a wise career move. Students who complete a nursing program can work in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, colleges and universities. On average, nurses can earn around $49,000 to $89,000 on an annual basis.

Finding Top Nursing Schools in Georgia

To find the top nursing schools, students must explore all their options. They should perform an extensive research on the internet, find the details of these institutions and then compare between them. They must see to the general reputation, fee structures and program duration and courses that a school offers before making a decision.



Ask an Expert

Q:How do I enroll in nursing schools in Georgia?

A:The admission requirements of nursing schools in Georgia vary from school to school. You must first pick an institute that suits your educational goal. In most cases, you will be required to complete the nursing pre-requisites such as courses in anatomy and physiology. Apart from this, you may also have to provide a high school diploma and a few letters of recommendation.

Q:The best nursing schools in Georgia offer what kinds of degree programs?

A:There are a number of renowned nursing schools in the state of Georgia. These institutions have acquired repute for offering to quality services and educational facilities. Although the program offerings may vary from school to school, you can expect to find the following nursing programs: LPN degrees, RN degrees, BSN degrees, and MSN degrees.

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