
MSN Programs in California

Students who reside in California and want to get into the healthcare sector should enroll in MSN programs. A number of schools and colleges offer MSN programs in California, helping students find the most rewarding jobs in the field of nursing. Those of you who have already earned a BSN degree in nursing can brighten up their career prospects by enrolling in this advanced degree.


Program Overview
Masters in nursing programs in California can be completed in 1-2 years. Registered nurses can get advanced practical experience by enrolling in these programs and thus improve their career prospects. Students also go through clinical training in addition to classroom instruction. Students can also choose to specialize in a particular field within nursing such as midwifery, family, pediatric or geriatric nursing.

Admissions Requirements

To enroll in MSN programs in California, students must hold a bachelor's degree. An associate degree in nursing may be sufficient to become an RN. Candidates may also require a current nursing license in addition to professional experience as an RN.


Students in RN to MSN programs in California will learn how to do diagnoses, provide checkups and treat various diseases. Some of the courses included in this program are nutrition, symptom evaluation, managing health problems, healthcare management, path physiology and advanced pharmacology. The particular curriculum is determined by the area in which students choose to specialize in.

Career Prospects

According to statistics, there is a lot of demand expected for advanced practice nurses across the country in the coming years up till 2018. Students who obtain MSN degrees can find employment in hospitals, private practices, and health centers. These professionals can expect to earn about $79,000 to $89,000 on an annual basis. The exact salary is determined by the responsibility level, region as well as the experience of a professional.

Continuing Education

PhD programs are also available for students who would like to improve their career profile. Those who are already engaged in part-time or full-time jobs can opt for online doctorate programs as they are highly flexible and allow learners to earn a degree through distance learning. This program is particularly suitable for the ones who are interested in research opportunities within this field.

Ask an Expert

Q:To qualify for msn programs California, what do I need?

A:MSN degrees are graduate level nursing programs. They are designed to equip students with advanced nursing knowledge and skills. Nurses interested in pursuing leadership roles in nursing must have a MSN qualification. To enroll in a MSN degree, you will need a bachelor degree in nursing. The admission requirements will vary from school to school.

Q:Do I need a bachelor degree for online msn programs California?

A:Yes, you need a bachelor degree to enroll in an MSN program. The exact admission requirements will vary from college to college. An MSN degree is designed to provide individuals with advanced nursing skills and knowledge. You can also choose to specialize in a certain field such as pediatric nursing, oncology nursing, geriatrics nursing, and more.

Q:What is needed for getting into msn online programs?

A:Masters in nursing (MSN) is a graduate level nursing degree. It is advanced in nature and is offered by many nursing schools throughout the nation. To qualify for enrollment in an MSN program, one must have completed a BSN degree from an accredited school. Apart from this, the work experience and practice requirements will vary from school to school.

Q:What are RN to MSN bridge programs and what is the criteria for enrollment?

A:RN to MSN bridge programs are designed to prepare nursed for advanced job roles. These programs offer a short route to acquiring advanced nursing credentials. There are many schools offering nursing bridge programs. The admission criteria is likely to vary from place to place. Take a look at our page for detailed information.

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