
Nursing Schools in Michigan

Nursing schools in Michigan

Nursing schools in Michigan offer a wide range of courses and programs for students looking to pursue careers as licensed nurses. Students can also choose from a number of board approved degree programs, which can help students become registered nursing professionals. Such programs are essential for students who want to advance in the health care sector not only in the state of Michigan, but in other states as well. Most of the institutes that offer specific nursing courses and programs offer two study options. Students can enrol in full time or part time campus based programs or, students can also enrol in distant learning programs.

Approved programs offered

In Michigan, most of the institutes offering nursing degrees have to undergo a review by the Michigan Board of Nursing. Amongst the many offered programs, institutes highlight a set number of courses for different qualification levels:

In Masters Programs, institutes offer the following approved programs

  • Masters in Acute care
  • Masters in Clinical Care
  • Masters in Long Term care
  • Masters in Adult and Paediatric nursing
  • Masters in Gerontology Acute care
  • Masters in Care Nurse Practitioner
  • Masters in family care
  • Masters in midwifery
  • Masters in health promotion as well as risk reduction

Approved Bachelor Programs include

  • Traditional Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing (BSN)
  • Bachelor’s of arts in Nursing and health care
  • Basic Licensed Practical Nurse Program
  • Basic and Advanced Registered Nurse programs

Those seeking post masters education can also look into several doctoral programs offered by the Michigan Board of Nursing approved institutes.  Some institutes allow doctoral students to attend online courses and conduct their research work off campus.

These online and distance learning options are also available for students enrolling in bachelors and masters programs. Students also have the option to attend online coaching classes to prepare for registered nurse exams.  Nursing schools also offer students with different programs allowing them to study and complete dual degrees. Such programs combine courses for licensed practical and registered nursing, giving students a more advanced qualification.

Admission Requirements and Procedures

Most of the nursing schools in the state of Michigan offer admissions twice a year. Students have the option to either take admission in spring or in fall sessions. Further information with regards to admission cycles and last application dates can be obtained from the institute’s official website. Admission requirements and prerequisites can also be obtained the same way.

Income potential and job outlook

Students who successfully complete degrees from Nursing Schools in Michigan may be able to pursue rewarding careers. In a report published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in 2012, registered nursing professionals earned a mean annual wage of $ 65,820. BLS report also states that between 2012 and 2022, jobs for nurses whether licensed practical nurses or registered nurses are expected to increase by 9 percent.


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