
Nursing Schools in Ohio

Nursing schools in Ohio provide a number of degree programs for students who wish to pursue a career in health care. Students have the option to enrol in programs that range from elementary associate degrees and go right up to master’s degree programs. Students looking to complete their degree quickly can also check out fast track programs. These are available for online enrolment with various institutes. In some courses, students will be required to complete lab work and training in order to complete degree requirements. However, some online courses offer video conferencing of lab work to accommodate students.


While most courses have specialized focus, general courses that are taught to students include emergency care and response, abuse and assault assessment, patient care and bed side manner, child care and physical therapy. Students can take up specialized degrees in the following areas:

  • Adult gerontology
  • Adult gerontology acute care
  • Paediatrics primary care
  • Paediatrics acute care
  • Psychiatric health care
  • Acute psychiatric health care
  • Women’s health
  • Women’s acute health care
  • Nurse educators
  • Acute nursing care educators
  • Nurse management
  • Shift and hospital management

While these are the most commonly offered courses in nursing schools in Ohio, some institutes may combine these to form larger, degree courses. Courses are also designed in some institutes to allow students to gain exposure to business and general management. These courses are generally aimed at students who do not wish to pursue medicine related nursing courses but rather, wish to enter nurse management or hospital governance roles. Courses like masters in health care management, masters in administration or master’s in public administration may also be suitable for such students.

Admissions and degree completion

Students who wish to enrol in any nursing program must bear in mind the application dates and deadlines. Spring and fall admissions are open for students in April and July respectively. Some institutes may also have admissions only once during an academic year. While pre requisites for such programs vary, students must fulfil acceptable grade point average and high school diplomas by default for most admissions. Some institutes also have entrance exams or short tests to determine student admission eligibility. Students are required to complete a number of courses and credit hours that includes lab work .

Occupational Outlook:

Students who complete degrees from nursing schools in Ohio or any other state may seek employment as licensed practitioners in hospitals, health care centres and physician offices. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the occupational outlook for nurses will increase by approximately nineteen percent between the years 2012 and 2022.  A report by BLS also states that in the year 2012, the mean wage of registered nurses was $ 65,470 per year. They further reported that in 2012, there were approximately over two million nurses working all over the US.


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