
Nursing Schools in Virginia

Students who reside in Virginia and want to pursue a rewarding career should enroll in nursing programs. Nursing schools in Virginia offer a variety of programs that can help students pursue a career in this field. Some programs can lead to entry level jobs in nursing while others can help students take up leadership or administrative roles. Earning a degree from nursing schools can help students find employment opportunities in nursing homes, clinics, hospitals, and variety of other facilities.

Nursing Schools in VA
Nursing schools offer LPN programs as well RN degrees such as associates, bachelor and masters programs. Students can also opt for accelerated nursing programs in Virginia if they want to get into the field of nursing at a fast pace.
LPN programs take about a year to complete while associate degree spans over 2 years. BSN programs can be completed in 4 years. 1-2 years master’s degree is also offered in nursing that allow students to focus their studies in a particular area within this field. Some of the areas in which students can opt to specialize in include surgery, ambulatory care and pediatrics.
Curriculum in Nursing Programs in Virginia
Nursing programs entail theory as well as practical experience. They may also include lab work. Coursework varies by degree level and program type. General courses in nursing programs include topics such as health assessment, documentation procedures, domestic violence, healthcare management and trauma. Students also learn about public health, assault assessment, and nutrition, nursing and healthcare management, pharmacology, among other concentrations.
Job Opportunities
According to statistics, employment opportunities for nurses are predicted to grow by 22% between 2008 to 2018. Earning a degree in this field can lead students to a promising career path with scores of opportunities for growth and development. Clinics, nursing homes, hospitals, schools, homes, physician’s offices and more, there are scores of job opportunities for nurses across the country. On average, earning a nursing degree can help students earn about $49,000 to $140,000 on an annual basis.
Finding the Best Nursing Schools in Va
Though there are several nursing schools in Virginia, you must enroll in the best programs. Before getting into a school, it is important to find out if it is approved by the state. You should also see to the general reputation and standing of schools and find out the type of programs it offers, the fee structure, program duration and other important details as well. Once you explore all your options, you should make a comparison to have an idea which program can be ideal for you keeping in view your career objectives.
Online Nursing Schools
Nursing degrees are also offered by a number of online schools. These courses can be a suitable option for professionals seeking a career switch as well as for students who reside in remote areas and cannot enroll in traditional nursing programs. As they are flexible and self paced programs, students can manage their education and look after other commitments and responsibilities.

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